Cosmetic Products and Shampoos
Cosmetic products
Treatment Henna – Phytothon No: 1 Colourless Henn
Cosmetic Means
Cassia leaf – anaglycosides 1% (glycoaloe emodine, glycoresin and rein glycosides), flavonoids – izoramnetin, kempferol, resin substances. It has anti-seborrhea effect on scalp. Eliminates acne and rhinoceros in hair follicles.
Henna leaves: hennotanic acid, natural colorants (alchinine, lavzon), mucous pectin, etheric substances. It prevents hair loss, strengthens the bottom of the hair follicles, and increases brightness of hairs.
Nettle leaf – vitamin C 0.6%, carotenoids, K and B1 and B2 vitamins, ant, pantothenic acids, chlorophyll 5%, vaccines, etc. It is used in the treatment of dandruff and baldness. Meets the needs of hairs in minerals and vitamins. Removes hair roughness & softens hair.
Coltsfoot leaf – mucous 8%, bitter glycosides, saponins, carotenoids, organic acids, inulin and others. It affects the fungus and accelerates the oxidation and reduction processes in the hair follicular cells. Restores the damaged structure of hair.
Coltsfoot leaf – essential oils, mentions, menthol, vaccines, flavonoids, microelements, etc. Softens hair, gives them brightness and attractive odor. Cleans dandruff, calms & refreshes scalp.
Pharmacy chamomile flower – 0.5% of essential oil, chamazulene, farnesene, bisabolol sesquiviterpenes, myrcene, nonyl and isovalerian acids, apigenin, cosmocine, etc. from flavonoids. It reduces irritation of scalp, improves breathing and blood circulation.
Horseshoe root – 45% inulin, protein 12%, vaccine 4%, phenolic acid, stigma, potassium, calcium and magnesium salts, higher fatty acids and so on. It increases the nutrition of the follicle, causing hair to thicken. Deepens hair bed.
“Phytoton No. 1” colorless henna is a natural remedy for hair, rich in chemicals, biologically active ingredients and vitamins. Prevents hair loss, improves the scalp’s blood circulation, strengthens the bottom of the follicle, stimulates the follicle of hairs and restores hair loss. Proper and regular use has an effect against seborrhea, removes itching, allergies, dandruff and irritation of the skin, regardless of hair type (oily and dry). Phytoton No. 1 colorless henna thickens the hair and strengthens its bed and restores its structure. If you are satisfied with the color of your hair, the most effective means for hair care is Phytoton No. 1 colorless. Due to the medicinal herbs in Henna’s composition, it improves breathing of the scalp, airing of the hair, the brightness of the hair, as well as improves the mood. As a cosmetic and therapeutic agent, the Phytoton No. 1 colorless henna has a remarkable action. It is useful in migraine because it improves the blood circulation of scalp and reduces its moisture. It can be used in the treatment of acne, and rats (diathesis) on the face and body. It strengthens the nails and nail beds, treats fungus diseases of hands and feet, used for the treatment of hardly healing trophic ulcers and heel cracks. The procedures should be repeated regularly to obtain an effective outcome and maintain the result. The hair may be dandruff within 2-3 days after using the henna. The Phytoton No. 1 colorless henna can be used by women, men and children.
How to use:
In every 5 days 50 grams (depending on length of hairs) Phytoton No. 1 colorless henna is mixed with boiling water until the a homogenous mass is gotten, brewed for 10 minutes, applied to hair and washed with vegetable shampoo after 1-1.5 hours. It should be used in clean hairs. It can be used regularly.
Form of presentation:
50 g of Henna in 3 boxes which are tightly (vaccum) bound (1 month norm).
Keep out of the reach for children. Protect from moisture and direct sunlight.
It’s not a drug.
Storage period: 18 months.
You can buy Herba Flora products from all pharmacies and FitoClub store chain across the country.
You can find out the prices of Herba Flora products by approaching all pharmacies across the country.
You can contact the FitoClub chain of stores and online pharmacies regarding the delivery service.
Please contact Herba Medical Center to make an appointment with Fizuli Huseynov.
Contact numbers:
(012) 409 62 35
(055) 304 26 79
Address: Sabunchu district, Bashir Bunyadov 2578 block.
Herba Medical Center is located near Koroglu m/st. A transport service from the metro to the medical center and back has been organized for the patients’ comfortable arrival and departure.
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