
Apple Cider Vinegar

Product: 250 ml

Composition: Cider, sugar, salt

Pharmacological effects:

  • Apple cider vinegar speeds up the fat-lipid metabolism, prevents the accumulation of fatty tissue in the form of depots.
  • Cleanses atherosclerotic nodes, which as a result of metabolic disorders settle on the wall of vessels.
  • Apple cider vinegar has antiseptic, bactericidal, bacteriostatic, antifungal action.
  • It reduces hyperlipidemia, has anti-cellulite (anti-obesity) and antipyretic (anti-heating) effects.
  • Apple cider vinegar, by slowing down the development of tumor cells, affects cancer and prevents hair loss.

Indıcatıon for use:
Atherosclerosis, obesity, cerebral – atherosclerosis, atherosclerotic – cardio sclerosis, cancer disease, hypertension disease, hair loss, heat with different etiologies, fungous diseases.

Side effects:
Hyper-eraside gastritis, stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer, arterial hypotension, ulcer of the small and large intestine, 36 degrees and low body temperature, individual sensitivity to apple cider vinegar.

Instruction for use:
In case of atherosclerosis, dissolve 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar in 1 cup of warm water and take an empty stomach in the morning. In case of obesity dissolve 1 tablespoon of apple vinegar in 1 cup of warm water and take an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening. In case of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract, it is advisable to take after meal. In case of severe fever and dermatophyte it is necessary to use apple vinegar dissolved in water for soaking in certain areas of the body. To strengthen the hair bottom, it is necessary to dissolve 50-100 ml of apple vinegar in 1 liter of warm water and rinse the hair with it after washing the hair. In case of fungal diseases of the feet, it is advisable to bathe your feet for 30 minutes in acetic water.

Additional information:
Herba flora company produces apple vinegar domestically and full naturally. We wish you good health.

How can I get Herba Flora products?

You can buy Herba Flora products from all pharmacies and FitoClub store chain across the country.

You can find out the prices of Herba Flora products by approaching all pharmacies across the country.

Questions about Herba Flora products can be directed to us through our official Social Media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X). Questions are answered alternately on weekdays and during business hours (08:00 – 16:30).

You can contact the FitoClub chain of stores and online pharmacies regarding the delivery service.

Please contact Herba Medical Center to make an appointment with Fizuli Huseynov.

Contact numbers:
(012) 409 62 35
(055) 304 26 79

Address: Sabunchu district, Bashir Bunyadov 2578 block.

Herba Medical Center is located near Koroglu m/st. A transport service from the metro to the medical center and back has been organized for the patients’ comfortable arrival and departure.

More Information

Company Herba Flora as the manufacturer of natural products started to work on May 25, 1998. Since the beginning till nowadays company Herba Flora has been applying new technologies, to the production in order to manufacture high quality products.

As a result of this, the company has attained more than 200 products;

  • 77 of which are therapeutic plants.
  • 25 are plant mixes.
  • 53 fitoteas which are used in the treatment and prophylaxes of different diseases.
  • 7 syrups,
  • 4 Fitoton hennas.
  • 4 Fitoton weekly face masks and clays,
  • 3 Fitolotions,
  • 12 medical Fitooils, cream Aghrimaz,
  • 7 Fitoton shampooes,
  • 4 Fitoton shower gels, and Fitooil hand and face creams and our new product Lorosept HF dragees.

The aim of scientific-popular magazine Herfa Flora published monthly from 2007 to 2016 by the company was to enlighten population . İncrease people’s scientific and medical knowledge. Based on multiple requests from the population the section for questions and answers opened in our web sites and in the page, as well. At present the company has three FitoClubs. Which are family recreational places.

Company Herba Flora providing costumers with high quality herbal products and fitoteas. Funding investigations for the manufacture of new products is an experience base for the students of Pharmaceutics faculty of AMU and Tourism and Management University. Company Herba Flora operates according to the International Standards ISO 9001:2008 quality management system.

In 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, 2016 Company Herba Flora took part in Azerbaijan International Health Care, in 2013 in “Beauty and Aesthetic Medicine” Exhibitions. It had been awarded the certificates at “The Demonstration of the Best Product” and “The Best Corporative Style” and “The long term participation”. Company Herba Flora continues to manufacture new products in order to satisfy the costumers constantly. 

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