
Fitooil Massage Oil With Vitamin D3

Components: Vitamin D3 (100000 IU/150 ml), ozonated sesame oil

Product properties: Massage oil enriched with vitamin D3 is absorbed into the deeper layers of the skin due to the high perme­ability of the skin cell membrane. It ac­ce­le­rates mineralization in bones and joints. Due to the high content of cholecalciferol and calcium, it strengthens the bone tissue and ensures the normal development and growth of bones. It accelerates the synthesis of collagen in the skin, increases the elasticity of the skin, and improves the structure of hair and nails. It is a natural antioxidant, slows down the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

It is used for massage of children and adults.

Way of use: Apply to the skin with clean hands.

Contraindication: Individual sensitivity.

Shelf life: 2 years.
Storage conditions: Keep at a tempera­tu­re of +5 – 25°C, out of the reach of children.

How can I get Herba Flora products?

You can buy Herba Flora products from all pharmacies and FitoClub store chain across the country.

You can find out the prices of Herba Flora products by approaching all pharmacies across the country.

Questions about Herba Flora products can be directed to us through our official Social Media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X). Questions are answered alternately on weekdays and during business hours (08:00 – 16:30).

You can contact the FitoClub chain of stores and online pharmacies regarding the delivery service.

Please contact Herba Medical Center to make an appointment with Fizuli Huseynov.

Contact numbers:
(012) 409 62 35
(055) 304 26 79

Address: Sabunchu district, Bashir Bunyadov 2578 block.

Herba Medical Center is located near Koroglu m/st. A transport service from the metro to the medical center and back has been organized for the patients’ comfortable arrival and departure.


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