
Fitooil Huzelnut Oil

Since huzelnut oil is obtained by cold pressing it is not subject to chemical changes.

Calcium, phosphorus, protein, sugar, E, B, PP, C vitamins, glycosides, minerals.


  • Since hazelnut oil is rich with calcium, phosphorus, protein, sugar, E, B, PP, C vitamins, it accelerates metabolism, lipid metabolism, has anti-cellulite and antioxidant effects.
  • As a result of its positive effect on blood circulation and blood composition, hazelnut oil prevents ischemic heart and brain diseases, improves brain function, memory and mental abilities.
  • By increasing the elasticity of the skin and nails, it prevents their brittleness, restores the skin cracks.
  • Gives hair and skin shine, prevents hair loss, tones the body, gives energy and slows down aging.

Indıcatıon for use:
metabolic disturbance, cosmetology, skin diseases, hair loss, brittle nails and hair, skin care after pregnancy and childbirth, prevention of brain and heart ischemia, prevention of cancer disease.

Instructıon for use:

For external use: By massaging to absorb hazelnut oil for few minutes with nails and at the bottom of the hair. The massage should be done in a certain order after washing dry hair, and before washing oily hair. The massage with hazelnut oil is performed 2-3 times a day to prevent cracks in the abdominal skin during pregnancy and to restore the elasticity of the abdominal skin after childbirth. For facial skin care the hazelnut oil should be added to cosmetics agents.
For internal use: 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 2-3 times a day, 20-30 minutes before meals.

Sıde Effects: Individual sensitivity to huzelnut oil.

Storage rule: Store in a closed container at room temperature or in a refrigerator.

Storage perıod: 18 months.

Packing: 30ml.

How can I get Herba Flora products?

You can buy Herba Flora products from all pharmacies and FitoClub store chain across the country.

You can find out the prices of Herba Flora products by approaching all pharmacies across the country.

Questions about Herba Flora products can be directed to us through our official Social Media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, TikTok, X). Questions are answered alternately on weekdays and during business hours (08:00 – 16:30).

You can contact the FitoClub chain of stores and online pharmacies regarding the delivery service.

Please contact Herba Medical Center to make an appointment with Fizuli Huseynov.

Contact numbers:
(012) 409 62 35
(055) 304 26 79

Address: Sabunchu district, Bashir Bunyadov 2578 block.

Herba Medical Center is located near Koroglu m/st. A transport service from the metro to the medical center and back has been organized for the patients’ comfortable arrival and departure.


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