Cosmetic Products and Shampoos
Cosmetic products
Cream Aghrimaz
For joint, muscle and nerve pain
Ingredients: Black seed oil, Naftalan oil, hot red pepper extract, maclura extract, sesame oil, propolis, eucalyptus essential oil, camphor, methylsa¬licylate, cream base.
Indications for use: Joint, muscle and nerve pain.
Storage conditions: Store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C and out of reach of children.
Contraindication: Individual hypersensitivity.
Usage: It is applied to damaged or painful area 1-2 times a day.
Shelf life: 2 years. The date of manufacture is on the tube.
OTC drug product.
It is not a medicine.
It is a hygienic product.
You can buy Herba Flora products from all pharmacies and FitoClub store chain across the country.
You can find out the prices of Herba Flora products by approaching all pharmacies across the country.
You can contact the FitoClub chain of stores and online pharmacies regarding the delivery service.
Please contact Herba Medical Center to make an appointment with Fizuli Huseynov.
Contact numbers:
(012) 409 62 35
(055) 304 26 79
Address: Sabunchu district, Bashir Bunyadov 2578 block.
Herba Medical Center is located near Koroglu m/st. A transport service from the metro to the medical center and back has been organized for the patients’ comfortable arrival and departure.
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