Herba Flora
Fitoclub is a brand of Herba Flora and is the only source of natural products in Azerbaijan.
You can buy Herba Flora products at wholesale prices in Fitoclubs. In addition, bee products, various means, plants that you can not find, cosmetics with vegetable content are also offered to buyers.
Fitoclub is a brand of Herba Flora and is the only source of natural products in Azerbaijan. In Fitoclub you can get professional medical advice from our specialists, as well as purchase the product you need.
Our addresses:

- Shavket Mammadova 36 A (Near Bollug market. Stop of Bakubus buses No. 3 to Shavket Mammadova from Ganjlik to the 8th microdistrict)
- +994 12 561 85 01
- +994 55 511 03 64

Hazi Aslanov
- Mahammad Hadi 377 (Hazi Aslanov subway exit next to the notary)
- +994 12 371 45 73
- +994 55 511 03 62

- Bashir Bunyadov, Sabunchu District, 2578 block (above the road to Razin Station, near Carima Square, next to Herba Medical Center clinic)
- +994 12 409 62 32
- +994 55 511 51 60
- 2nd Microdistrict N.Narimanov street. house 46/42 m.18 (next to the Russian cinema)
- +994 55 450 86 57
- 500A Sharifzade Street, Inshaatcilar metro station exit. Opposite Baku Electronics
- +994 12 409 62 52
- +994 55 410 26 54
Ganja City
- 269 Atatürk avenue, Ganja city (below the Khan Baghi new building)
- +994 22 256 51 51
- +994 55 414 02 62
Zagatala City
- Zagatala city, Shikhali Gurbanov street, opposite the Central Hospital
- +994 55 514 62 00